Water Babies
Delivering on Water Babies brand vision - locally
Our Client
Water Babies
What We Did
Commercial Print (Print 80/20)
Release Date
March 2019
Ian Nicholson
From its inception in 2002 when a young couple began teaching their children to swim, Water Babies has grown into an international franchise organisation spanning seven countries and having taught hundreds of thousands of little ones to swim.
As a franchise model Water Babies wanted the franchises to have access to “on-brand” consistent marketing tools that maintained brand integrity but allowed franchises to use their details. Ensuring that franchisees had swift and easy access to the products that they needed, with the ability to customise and localise these, was key. However, Water Babies’ existing proprietary system was creaking, and as the business grew, it was increasingly reliant on manual intervention and external resources. Furthermore, they were operating across borders and in different currencies which added to the problem.
Working with the Head of Marketing and Retail on the Water Babies 20th birthday project was a delight, we quickly identified the products required and the lead time to produce them as well as the requirement to ship to the UK and worldwide locations. The project came together in a timely fashion and was such a hit Amsterdam ordered more products.
Ian Nicholson
Account Director
Precision Proco’s ‘web to print solution’ has proved a perfect fit for Water Babies’ needs.
- Printed 'on-demand' this eliminates stock-holding and obsolescence.
- Non-printed items, such as balls and thermometers, are also processed through the system.
- Generation of online collateral for, for example, social media is available.
- Option to personalise 'bulky merchandise'.
- Colour management, brand and version control are guaranteed.
- Pricing matrices, in a range of currencies, tailored to individual franchisees.
- Detailed reporting at franchisee or even user-level.
- Ease of administration for Water Babies central marketing function, plus control and real-time view of all activity.